The Motherboard presents: Motherload (single)


The Motherboard, a forum of like-minded musical experimentalists, have finalized their first single and now Hand’Solo Records prepares to release their new song into the ether for mass consumption. So, with no further ado, either download the “Motherload” single as a zip file that includes the vocal, instrumental and acapella versions of the song, or just satisfy your curiosity by checking out Lxor’s video for “Motherload” or the vocal version, both posted below.


as zip file: Motherload single zip
as rar file: Motherload single zip

Motherload video and vocal track:


0:00-0:52 – beat by Myn Dwun, raps by Wormhole & Th’ Mole
1:03-1:49 – beat by DJ 0.000001 & C Money Burns, raps by Noah23
2:06-2:54 – beat by Nomar Slevik, raps by Demune
3:05-3:47 – beat by Hobs Sputnik, raps by Anubis5
3:53-4:27 – beat by Thee Anomalous Nicholai, raps by Hobs Sputnik
4:35-5:19 – beat by MFBoat, raps by geneva.b & MFBoat
5:24-6:07 – beat by Lostsatellite, raps by Selfhelp
6:14-7:09 – beat by Wormhole & Th’ Mole, raps by Lxor
7:22-8:08 – beat by Debmaster, raps by Myn Dwun

Live MPC samples during intro/transitions/outro by Strange Powers.
Executive produced, edited and mixed by Th’ Mole.
Mastered by Nomar Slevik.
Cover Art by CAPS3.

Distributed by Hand’Solo Records.

The Motherboard, 2009.

What the critics are saying:

“FUCK YEAH!” – Strange Powers
“I’m proud of it.” – Th’ Mole
“This piece of music is one of the better 8+ minutes of my life”. – CAPS3
“I love the cover.” – Nomar Slevik
“Who in the hell was the last Emcee… that was a great closer!!!” – Demune
“Good work people. I want to hear this on mushrooms!” – Noah 23
“Maybe I am crazy…” – Selfhelp