Home Bass > CBC talks fandom with More Or Les and Wordburglar

A little more than a week ago, More Or Les and Wordburglar played the annual Nerd Noise Night to celebrate Fan Expo, as they have done the last few years. Leading up to the show, they did this interview with CBC to promote NNN. I’ve been meaning to share the interview here, but lately I’ve been caught up in the orbit of the Alien Trap Lords… Anyway, the show may have passed but the interview is still relevant. Especially to those who like a little (or a lot of) fandom in their hip hop. So, with no further ado…

Read the interview here: https://www.cbc.ca/arts/making-music-about-a-fandom-for-rappers-wordburglar-and-more-or-les-the-devil-s-in-the-details-1.5256052