A snap Ontario election is happening on February 27, so Epic & Deadly Stare have released this new non-album single inspired by a press conference given by our disgusting Premier who is hoping to win another four years. Is “Fug Dord” a protest song? Silly satire? Random weirdness? You decide! But please vote for anyone other than that asshole Doug Ford!

In the midst of promoting their upcoming new album, A library called Calder, Epic & Deadly Stare drop this non-album track to call out the Ontario premier as we head into election day in Ontario. “Fug Dord” is a short, silly track that mocks the infamous hash dealer turned crony capitalist premier over a cool reggae beat from Deadly Stare. Inspired by a bizarre news conference with Doug Ford addressing car theft.
Written and performed by Epic
Produced and mixed by Deadly Stare
Background vocals by Emprime & Hermitofthewoods
Mastered by W.C. Spicer
Cover art by Scott Da Ros